Thursday, March 3, 2011

"Maryvale: N. 47th Ave. and W. Indian School Rd." Critique Outcome

Today was the critique for my molding project. I think it went well for the most part. There were a few cosmetic issues that were pointed out, which was understandable. The main comment given about the project is that I needed more houses to make the "suburb" larger than human size. It was said I also needed further development in the placement/design with more details and attention given to the imitation of the actual Google maps image and the molds.
I do agree with the cosmetic issues as many of the chimney's fell off while removing the houses from the rubber mold. Furthermore, I do agree that I needed a much larger number of houses to span a larger section and make it larger than life. However, I am not feeling the idea of adding more details to the houses or what they lay on. I feel that adding more houses will fix that problem because the audience will focus on the number of houses, and the design. Whenever I envision this project in my head I always picture it really clean and simplistic. If I were to add anything, I would add advanced lighting to make the multitude of houses more dramatic.
Here are some pictures of the houses:

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